An intentional life guides you in the right direction and makes the journey toward fulfilling your purpose a fun and fruitful one. Living intentionally helps you to achieve your goals, minimize distractions, and always keep your eyes on where you intend to be.
Living an intentional life isn’t easy for most people. This is because somewhere along the line after beginning your journey of living intentionally, you experience heavy blows from life and major setbacks that discourage you from being intentional with your actions or your time.
Failure, disappointments, loss, and uncertainties are all inevitable in life nevertheless they can make it hard for you to embrace an intentional life or continue living intentionally. Luckily, engaging in entrepreneurship can help you to live intentionally despite what you go through because it keeps you focused more on what you want to achieve and less on how many times you have failed. It draws your attention to what you can do and constantly reminds you of your abilities to effect the change you desire to see in your life as well as the lives of others.
Entrepreneurship is the key to living an intentional life because entrepreneurs are intentional with their time, partnerships, resources, goals, choices, etc. So, if you are considering quitting your day job to become an entrepreneur or if you desire to pursue entrepreneurship on the side, don’t hesitate. Realize that it’s the best decision you can ever make. One that will enable you to make significant changes in your professional life as well as your personal life and guide you in the direction of living the life you have always wanted.
5 ways entrepreneurship helps you live an intentional life.
1. Entrepreneurship keeps you moving forward despite what happens.
Entrepreneurship helps you live an intentional life by fixing your eyes on the main goal which enables you to keep moving forward despite what happens. Concentrating on where you are going as well as what you want to achieve in the long run helps you to take the required steps to move forward and prevents you from allowing setbacks to stop you from doing what needs to be done.
2. It keeps you enjoying the process and worrying less about the end goal.
One thing that makes it hard for most people to live intentionally is that they worry too much about where they are going or what they want to achieve. You spend half your time thinking, “What if I fail?” “What if that goal is beyond my capabilities?” and end up failing to begin working on your set goal.
However, entrepreneurship keeps you enjoying the journey and worrying less about the end goal because every day you set new exciting goals and are excited about the new people you will meet.
Entrepreneurs are always discovering new ways of doing things and are excited about experiencing new things. That alone keeps you concentrating more on the process and less on whether or not you will reach your main goal.
3. It causes you to be intentional with your time and actions.
As an entrepreneur, you understand that your actions and choices have a direct impact on your business and so you become intentional with every decision you make. You focus on doing things that get you a step closer to fulfilling your main aim. You become intentional with your time, take intentional actions, and keep thinking “How does doing ABC get me closer to my goal?”
4. Entrepreneurship encourages you to make intentional connections.
Entrepreneurship helps you to live intentionally by encouraging you to be intentional with who you connect with. You search for the right people to form relationships with. You look for the right people to do business with and never make the mistake of forming business partnerships with individuals you know nothing about.
You are intentional with your connections. You connect with industry experts via Facebook, LinkedIn, Tweeter, etc. and engage in conversations that will draw their attention toward you so that you can increase your chances of learning more from them and of maintaining the relationship.
5. It keeps you focusing on advancing your knowledge.
The best thing about entrepreneurship is that it turns you into an avid reader. Your goal is to provide exceptional services to clients and become the best at what you do and so you keep searching for the best methods of doing so.
You read more than you ever did before. You sign up for invaluable newsletters from industry giants who are more than willing to gladly share their knowledge with you. You enroll in online courses that teach you all you need to know about your line of work and empower you to move forward.
The best part about entrepreneurship is that it keeps you aiming higher and looking for ways of doing things better, providing excellent services, or improving your product. It enables you to keep holding on no matter what happens because deep inside you have the assurance and conviction that you are going to make it.
Peace, Love & Prosperity!
Mario Sousa
Heart-Centered Leadership
My team and I are on a mission to lead other like-minded, heart-centered leaders that are ready to make a bigger impact in their personal lives, their communities and around the world. Please review the information below and reach out to me personally with any questions you might have. The future looks extremely bright, if you see what I see, let's work together.